Employers indicate that it is difficult finding skilled candidates upon graduation and we are on a mission to assist students be career ready upon graduation.
"In the journey of career readiness, feedback is the compass, versatility is the map, and self-awareness is the key. Embrace diverse styles, commit to growth, and lead with adaptability for success."
Dr. Zain Ali
Cultivate your Leader


Employers indicate that it is difficult finding skilled candidates upon graduation and we are on a mission to assist students be career ready upon graduation.
Research image

Research indicates, Students are not ready for careers upon graduation

  • Many employers face challenges when hoping to hire college graduates with consensus that soft skills, like communication, should have been developed in college, and not on the job (Bauer-Wolf, 2019).
  • The most important skills identified for career readiness are work ethic, oral & written communications and teamwork, and problem solving or critical thinking (Lotto & Barrington, 2006; Kyllonen, 2013).
  • Another challenge with career readiness in students is in determining an effective evaluation method. Brutus, Donia, and Ronen (2013).

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Discover valuable insights about yourself with our collection of free self-assessment tools, available at your fingertips.

Career Ready 360

Career Ready is designed to measure the research-based Career Readiness 360 assessment developed with 8 competencies by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers). 
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Emotional Intelligence 360

Emotional Intelligence (EQ), based on the pioneering research of Goleman, Salovey, and Meyer, assesses an individual’s capacity to recognize, comprehend, and regulate their own emotions, as well as those of others.
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Social Intelligence 360

Social Intelligence 360, drawing from the research of Merrill and Reid on social styles, is tailored to assist individuals in recognizing and comprehending their unique social styles. This knowledge can significantly enhance communication and foster healthier relationships with others, making it a valuable tool for personal development. To view Sample Analytics Read More…


Peer Team Feedback

Our Team Evaluation Assessment is informed by research by Donough (2003) on ‘Factors Contributing to Cross-Functional Team Success’ and a literature review by Rodger and Micken on ‘Effective Team Characteristics.’ These sources have shaped our assessment, ensuring it aligns with established principles for evaluating team performance. To view Sample Analytics Read More…

For Faculty only.


CR360 Platform for Career Readiness Self Development

CR360 platform consists of five key modules that leverage learning theories such Constructivism and Connectivisim. The students get an opportunity to benefit from these modules in the platform which include conducting the assessment for self and 360 assessment, performing online analytics, developing personal development plan and working in a community for peer to peer learning.

Take Self / 360 Assessment, Review Analytics, Create Personal Development Plan, Participate in Peer to Peer Learning Community, Reassess Yourself

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Applied Research with Career Readiness 360 Platform

Research indicates that the majority of students at major universities around the globe are not prepared for professional careers upon graduation.

The employers expect the students to have these skills but they are missing upon graduation which puts the burden of getting students ready for their careers upon the employers. Eight competencies for career readiness have been documented by National Association Of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in a very effective manner and consist of Communication, Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Leadership, Equity & Inclusion, Professionalism, Technology, Career & Self Development. NACE career readiness model based on research is used by universities all over the world to educate their students to be better prepared upon graduation.

Dr. Ali leveraged his 30+ years of digital transformational work experience, 5 years as an executive coach and his PhD educational journey to conceptualize an Artificial Intelligence enabled educational platform for self-directed learning with the objective to assist young adults be better prepared for their careers upon graduation. This platform was founded on the learning theories of constructivism & connectivism and delivered by a global team based out of the USA, Ireland & Pakistan.

The student journey consists of creating self awareness of their career readiness skills with the help of a 360 assessment followed up with a recommended personal development plan that can be executed with open source content for development purposes. The student can also work in a community for connected learning and take a second assessment to see if the intervention allowed them to improve their skills. We are offering the self-assessment to students at no cost and two 360 assessments with complete access to the platform forever for $29.

The inspiration for developing a comprehensive Career Readiness platform project came from the initial research conducted at the University of North Texas as part of the exploration of a PhD degree. The research conducted in the Learning Technologies department of the College of Information Sciences consisted of Drs. Zain Ali, Scott Warren, Lin Lin, Kathie Norris, Deborah Cockerham, Karen Johnson and Hope Garcia.

On a separate note, experiential learning and working in teams is considered to be effective in helping students be career ready upon graduation and we have also developed no-cost assessments for faculty to use with their students for peer evaluation. Our hope is that peer evaluation will take away the hurdle to collecting the peer evaluation data and encourage more faculty to use team based projects in the classroom.

Drs. Zain Ali and Scott Warren
Drs. Zain Ali and Scott Warren

NACE Assessment & CR360 Platform

The Career Ready 360 Assessment utilized for career readiness is based on National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) research, consisting of 8 competencies & 45 questions that compliments the research. The eight competencies

8 Career Readiness
Competencies by NACE

Career & Self Development Icon
Career & Self Development
Communication Icon
Critical Thinking Icon
Critical Thinking
Equity & Inclusion Icon
Equity & Inclusion
Leadership Icon
Professionalism Icon
Teamwork Icon
Technology​ Icon

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Career Ready 360
Online Analytics

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